Fun Activities To Boost Your Baby's Brain Development!

Bloom Baby Classes
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Play for babies is a major part of your infants development, even at just a few weeks old. Play helps to form brain pathways which inturn boosts brain function. For younger babies aged 0-3 months the easiest way to engage in play with your baby is through sensory play. At this age babies are still nearsighted so can only see things at a close distance their vision is still developing and now is a great time to introduce them to a world full of new things.

The Sense Of Touch

Exploring touch, grab a scarf or soft piece of clothing or blankets and run it gently through baby’s hands and across her face. Let her feel the soft , silky or cuddly fabric as its glides over them. In our Bloom Baby Classes you could use a peekaboo scarf in a bright colour. Move the scarf slowly so baby can follow it with their eyes, allow them to process the fabric. Moving the object from side to side will also encourage baby to move her head from side to side a crucial part of their development.

The Sense Of Sight

Babies can see black and white images best early on in life. Use a selection of board books or toys to help stimuate their vision. We love these black and white baby board books here from Amazon when it comes to toys all three of my girls absolutely adored the Lamaze toys particularly the Firefly one here they would gaze at its colours and it really helped out when we were out and about to keep them occupied.

The Sense of Sound

Engage your baby’s sense of hearing! You can sing along to our music by downloading the album HERE or making simple clicking sounds with your mouth. Research has shown that introducing babies to music from birth them acquire early language skills. Babies will respond to your voice more than anybody’s so there is no better way to bond and engage your baby. Try and make them smile and watch your baby’s expressions as you go. Babies love to study your face so don’t feel silly making big expressions and smiles whilst they watch you. Try dancing with your baby too. Not only does this introduce baby to rhythm and tempo but it releases serotonin into the bloodstream to instantly boost your mood. At our baby classes we love to get everyone up dancing - dads too! When we dance with our babies the fluid in their ears moves from side to side. When we stop or rest these fluids travel up to the brain and boost neron development! all whilst having so much fun!

So why not give these ideas a go at home. Let us know how you get on and tell us what your baby’s favourite activity is.