Dear Meghan Markle Bloom Baby Classes tips for the new mum

As the country prepares for the imminent arrival of the new royal baby I have created my own top tips for the Duchess to help prepare her for what's to come. As a mum of three I’ve learnt all the mistakes possible and let's face it she will appreciate my advice hey?! So without further delay here are my 5 top tips for Meghan and of course her devoted husband Harry and you lot at Bloom Baby Classes of course!

  1. Stay in that hospital for as long as possible!

  2. Get lots of rest and keep up those pretty swollen feet for at least a couple of days your body has been through one heck of a ride carrying your bundle of joy for the past 9 months. Then there was the birth. Allow your body to readjust in the care of the hospital restrict visitors allow this a time for just your and Harry you will appreciate this time to bond, there is plenty of time for others. Cherish this moment the two of you and photograph it to look back on in the future.

  3. Banish visitors for at least one week from the palace.

  4. We all have family members that cannot wait to get a sneak peek of the new baby, the nosey neighbour who thought she would just “pop in” to see how you're getting on. The sister in law who cannot wait to tell you-you're doing everything wrong. Say No! Be Strong Sister! Tell HRH that your resting and learning about motherhood, taking it in your own time and did I mention cherishing those early moments?!

  5. For those of you who are invited think how you could help, don’t go expecting a brew and biscuits from the royal biscuit caddy. Get up and make the new mum a hot drink yourself she might only get to drink it when it turned cold but she will appreciate your efforts.

  6. When the sis in law Kate plays a visit, being a mum herself the Duchess of Sussex might want to think back on those early days and what would of helped her recovery a little? Perhaps a quick trip to Waitrose and nip in with George, Charlotte and Louis beforehand to pick up some decent healthy ready meals that Harry can whizz in the oven? Perhaps some Charlie Binghams and a side salad? Don’t worry about the tantrums in the supermarket Kate its an everyday occasion for us non-royals.

  7. Ensure wifey eats - and drinks!

  8. Whilst we're on the subject of food, could someone explain to Harry that for the next 6 months he will have to cut up Ms Markles food into small enough pieces that she can stab a fork with and precariously attempt to place in her mouth without disturbing her feeding or sleeping baby, better still Harry you hold the baby and let Megan enjoy that Binghams meal. Another top tip for any new dad out there is to ensure that there is ALWAYS and I say ALWAYS a glass of water near your breastfeeding other half. There are no words to describe the feeling of sheer utter dehydration that comes over any breastfeeding mum that begins feeding without prepping a large glass of water by their side! “Did someone say Camel? I need fluid!”

  9. Stock up on hair bobbles

  10. For the first year of all my daughter's lives I lived with fish wife hair. It’s a fact and something Meghan should accept, who cares about hair when you haven’t slept a wink for the past 12 weeks. The slapped back look should be a proud shout of to other mums “hey I’m a mum messy hair don’t care!” And who better to showcase such a look than Meghan herself she would own that messy bun. Oh and perhaps stock up on hairspray to keep those stray baby hairs under control that will continue to grow and waft around for the next 3-4 years!

  11. Sleep is for losers

  12. Lets be really really brutally honest, you're probably not going to get a decent nights sleep till the prince or princess is around 5. Ok 6 maybe i’m lying slightly by which time your body will of manually adjusted itself into walking mombie mode. Like I said sleep is for losers. Who needs it, really ??!

Joking aside, we wish the Duchess of Sussex the best of luck with her upcoming labour and to anyone else out there due a baby in the next coming months. Look after yourself, ask for help or advice if you need it. Get fresh air each day when you can. Call up a friend or relative with a baby or child. Laugh about all the bad things that have happened. The baby poo on the new settee, the four outfit changes before midday, relate and support one another. Were all in this same boat together whether your a duchess, princess, nurse or stay at home mum we all share one of the best jobs in the world. So re-adjust your crown, take a deep breathe we got your back!

Victoria Jennings